martes, 9 de junio de 2009

Al visualizar este Código, entramos en consciencia de la Alegría, la cual, es uno de los principios básicos de la Consciencia Cetácea.

Al manifestar Alegría y permitir que esta guie nuestras vidas, independientemente de las circunstancias externas, nos alineamos a la Esencia misma de Corazón de Dios y por ende, todo en nuestra vida comienza a fluir armoniosamente.

Siempre que nos estemos sintiendo tristes, decaídos, deprimidos, visualicemos este Código Cetáceo, para sanar nuestras emociones y nuestra alma.


When we visualize this Code, we enter into the consciousness of Joy, which is one of the main principles of the Cetacean Consciousness.

When we manifest Joy, and allow it guide our lives, no matter the external circumstances, we align ourselves to the pure essence of God’s Heart, and by that, all things in our life begin to flow armoniously

Always that we are feeling low, sad, depressed, let’s visualize this Cetacean Code, in order to heal our emotions and Souls.

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

WOW is so beauty !!


Anónimo dijo...

Dear Kai,
THANK YOU dear soul for sharing such AWESOME wisdom of pure LOVE-LIGHT!

Excerpt from "Voices Of The Universe" - A Matthew Book with Suzanne Ward.
Message from Matthew Ward on May 10, 2003:

"Your space brothers are helping your own efforts to preserve the lives of the cetaceans. Species-wide, the cetaceans are the most spiritually and intellectually evolved beings on Earth, & their bulky forms are anchoring the LIGHT energy being beamed to the planet. The dark forces are aware of this crucial service, and it is their influence that has been behind the killing of whales and dolphins. By God's own mandate and the work of the high LIGHT beings combined with yours, that deliberate destruction will not continue!"
"Your voice affects the universe - Let it be with LOVE."

With abundant love & LIGHT,
@nnie ~ DURBAN ~ South Africa

Anónimo dijo...

Dear Kai,
THANK YOU dear soul for sharing such AWESOME wisdom of pure LOVE-LIGHT!

Excerpt from "Voices Of The Universe" - A Matthew Book with Suzanne Ward.
Message from Matthew Ward on May 10, 2003:

"Your space brothers are helping your own efforts to preserve the lives of the cetaceans. Species-wide, the cetaceans are the most spiritually and intellectually evolved beings on Earth, & their bulky forms are anchoring the LIGHT energy being beamed to the planet. The dark forces are aware of this crucial service, and it is their influence that has been behind the killing of whales and dolphins. By God's own mandate and the work of the high LIGHT beings combined with yours, that deliberate destruction will not continue!"
"Your voice affects the universe - Let it be with LOVE."

With abundant love & LIGHT,
@nnie ~ DURBAN ~ South Africa